
Plans for Building an Adirondack Chair

Below is a compilation of a few free plans for building an Adirondack chair from various sources. There are pretty detailed, providing step by step instructions that should be pretty easy to follow.

Popular Mechanics

popular mechanics adirondack chair

This plan from Popular Mechanics features smooth curves that are not only visually pleasing but offers additional comfort. The plans also include instructions for building the table.

Family Handyman Adirondack Chair and Love Seat

family handyman adirondack chair

This adirondack chair from Family Handyman is designed for easy assembly, so that even the inexperienced woodwoorker can follow along. The plans also include instructions for building a loveseat. It is more angular than the Popular Mechanic chair, but as comfortable.

Wood Gears Adirondack Chair

wood gerasadirondack chair

This adirondack chair from Wood Gears is different from the typical Adirondack chair. It features a back that has less of a recline compared to an adirondack chair. The slightly more upright back makes it more suitable for eating or socializing without sacrificing comfort.